This paper evaluates agriculture in Tanzania since independence. Specifically, the
papers has assessed the success and challenges in agriculture in the mentioned
period. The paper has adopted literature survey method to evaluate agricultural
development in Tanzania since independence. The study revealed that for about
two decades after independence, the growth of agricultural sector remained
relatively low. The government has done some efforts to improve agriculture.
These initiatives include of the National Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Sector
Development Programme, and the Kilimo Kwanza. The Southern Agricultural
Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) and Big Result Now constitute part of the
initiatives. Despite the major initiatives, agriculture in the country remains
dominated by smallholder farmers characterized by family labour. Success stories
of agriculture in Tanzania include nationalization of the land which created easier
access among the farmers and increase in maize production in early years after
independence and development of the training institutions dealing with agriculture.
On the other hand in Tanzania agriculture in Tanzania is constrained by shortage
of capital among majority of the farmers, climate change due to the dependency
on rain cycles, low technological adoption and challenges linked to inadequate
policy implementation. The study concludes that despite its overall contribution in
the livelihood among the communities in Tanzania agriculture remains constrained
with a couple of challenges. This reinforces stein measures to improve agricultural
productivity. The study recommends on technological improvement that will
reduce reliance on climate and upscale small scale agriculture. Secondly,
dedication on sustainable irrigation farming is prerequisite to upscale agricultural
performance. Likewise, creation of enabling environment particularly among the
smallholder farmers including the provision of subsidies is very key for the
prosperity of agricultural performance.